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Website: Stanford Center on Longevity

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 5:09 am
by OzSport
I came across this website today which I found to be quite interesting!  The Stanford Centre on Longevity aims to shine a spotlight on living a quality long life and what can be done by all areas of society to achieve that:

"By fostering dialogue and collaborations among typically disconnected worlds, the Center aims to develop workable solutions for urgent issues confronting the world as the population ages. With these collaborations, we aim to redesign how we live our lives so that the great potential of longer life is fully realized."

The paragraph below is from the "A New Map of Life" section (check out the report in the section!):

"Meeting the challenges of longevity is not the sole responsibility of government, employers, healthcare providers, or insurance companies; it is an all-hands, all-sector undertaking, requiring the best ideas from the private sector, government, medicine, academia, and philanthropy. It is not enough to reimagine or rethink society to become longevity-ready; we must build it, and fast. The policies and investments we undertake today will determine how the current young become the future old—and whether we make the most of the 30 extra years of life that have been handed to us."