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Using Berberine as a Precurser to NMN LIPO

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 7:34 pm
by Pickleball101
In answer to the question posted below by another Forum member, I offered the same link I have below, to have Dr. David Sinclair answer why he takes Berberine or Metformin as a precursor to his NMN. That means it "Sets the Stage for NMN ". There are many benefits to these molecules  that are noted in the link below, but the one Most notable that I experienced was finally getting a handle on my Glucose levels. NMN can't get from the bloodstream into the cells to do it's regeneration if blocked by an excess of blood glucose. We only need a teaspoon of sugar a day for our bodies to function properly. Any more than that, and most of us have levels 2-3 times higher than a healthy 90 mark, and the NMN is being blocked. Insulin intolerance is a whole separate issue with healthy cellular regeneration as is Diabetes. Projections are for 75% of most US citizens over 65 will have some form of diabetes from the Fast food MAD diet, stress levels, and drugs (alcohol) abuse.

Berberine controls this, in the form of Glucose management. I've tried it in two forms, first following Dr. Sinclair's path linked below, later with the Defender product by RenuebyScience. In my first month trial, I was taking a 600 mg capsules, one at 10 am , then at 4PM, with food  each day.
The results were amazing, you an read about it in my copied report above in reply to the new post :Berberine or Metformine.  Then I decided to try
RbS LIPO Defender product, that offered a lower measured dosage, but all of it was retained in my bloodstream, rather than only 30-40% by capsule (powder). The results are the same, with continued loss of belly fat, glucose control, and easier management of my LIPO NMN uptake.
Try them for yourselves, you may even have better glucose control with a younger body than my "ready for Science" 81+
Ben Pickleball101. RbS 4 years. LIPO NMN, NIPO Defender, added NMN/NAD+ 250mg before Pickleball play 3 x's / week

Re: Using Berberine as a Precurser to NMN LIPO

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 8:56 pm
by jamierh
Thanks Pickleball.

Are you sure that’s the right clip?

He says he used to take Berberine but now takes Metformin. I don’t see any mention of him switching to Berberine, unless I’m missing something?

Re: Using Berberine as a Precurser to NMN LIPO

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 9:25 pm
by Pickleball101
Yes, in an earlier clip he had tried the Berberine to approve it. In this one he states the recommended dosages. If you go to YouTube Dr. David Sinclair, Bernerine, and SEARCH, you'll find all clips dealing with this subject, and his summary is from 4-5 minutes in this clip.