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Why the FDA is challenging NMN sales

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2022 10:32 am
by Pickleball101
This is NOT about RenuebyScience only, so that you can go buy NMN elsewhere. It's about Competitive legal self interest to stop NMN sales from ALL sources and offer a optional product by a competitor, under prescription that meets FDA approval, to appease the Big Farma's who never wanted a healing product to challenge their addictive drug culture that Never heals. There is defending challenge to re-classify NMN so avoid this, but it's wise to recognize the slow fat lawyers delay, so I'm pre-ordering 3 months reserve supply, in face of delivery delays from upcoming Christmas present purchases.

Pickleball101, 81+  NMN LIPO, daily, plus 250mg NMN sl before Picklball play