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Researchers Counteract Liver, Kidney, and Muscle Aging with Light-Activated “Smart” Senolytic

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 5:19 pm
by jocko6889
An enzyme common across all senescent cell types has been identified, giving researchers an opportunity to target only senescent cells while leaving normal, healthy cells intact. Researchers devised a new drug, called KSL0608-Se that is designed to attach to the enzyme and become activated in the presence of specific wavelengths of light.
"Shi and colleagues tested the effect of KSL0608-Se in various human cell lines to demonstrate that it is capable of destroying different types of senescent cells, does not destroy young, healthy cells, and is sensitive to light."
"Shi and colleagues found that aged mice treated with KSL0608-Se showed improvements in locomotor activity, walking speed, muscle strength, and hanging endurance. These findings would suggest that KSL0608-Se alleviates physical decline, as well as muscle aging."
Read the full article at the link below: ... -senolytic