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SLC vs Liposomal

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2023 4:30 pm
by Stef
Hi everyone, 
What is the difference between SLC vs Liposomal? 
Is there research on how each is absorbed and if the SLC is as good as the Lipo? 
How much of the NMN from SLC makes it into the bloodstream compared to the Liposomal? Thank you

Re: SLC vs Liposomal

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2023 5:40 am
by Boxcost
SLC that acid resistant capsule designed for absorption by your lower intestine which based on this 2019 study found some NMN can get directly through the cell membrane and converted to NAD+ by a newly discovered "SLC12a8" enzyme inside the small intestine.

Liposomal delivers more active ingredient (so you need less) directly to the cells of your tissues that are reached via the bloodstream. RBS of course have a good write up The liposome advantage.

The of course there are a few ways you can take liposomal encapsulated ingredients like as in Sublingual Gel, Intra-nasal, LIPO powdered capsules, transdermal so skin care!

Simply though Liposomal has much better absorption so you do not need as much

The RBS SLC product I give to my 80 yo parents, entire family, as the RBS formulation contains NMN,TMG & Zinc which is a great combination for boosting their immunity.