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New Study Reveals Green Tea Molecule Extends Lifespan and Alleviates Fat Tissue Senescence

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 6:48 pm
by Boxcost
A nice summary from the study:
These findings link EGCG consumption’s lifespan extension effects with fat tissue senescent cell reductions and improved autophagy in fat and intestinal tissues."
So much great evidence on Green Tea and EGCG, another study already confirming the benefits. I have tried to get it into my diet so maybe 6 cups per week, but not as much as quoted from studies where the benefits were seen at consuming 4-6 cups per day.

For me after a little cancer scare 6 months ago (found a lump) I jumped on and obsessively researched Cancer fighting molecules, taking out the molecules I was already getting (quite a few :)), Green Tea and EGCG came up again and again!  I jumped on quickly checked supplement options and landed on liposomal with 10x the bio-availability then RBS Green Tea Extract. In the end for me it was just a harmless cyst but added another supplement so I now feel a little more invincible. :D

Re: New Study Reveals Green Tea Molecule Extends Lifespan and Alleviates Fat Tissue Senescence

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 7:52 pm
by Newage
I agree Boxcost.
I take my one little RBS Lipo Green Tea Capsule once daily for the multiple positive health benefits..   :roll: