Hyaluronic acid (HLA) is a gel-like substance that occurs naturally in the human body. It's crucial for both skin health and joint function, influencing your appearance and mobility.
The highest concentrations of HLA are found in the skin, joints and eyes. As you age, your production of HLA declines, which can contribute to dry skin and joint discomfort.†

A Key Molecule In Skin Aging
HLA is considered a key molecule in skin aging and crucial for skin hydration. As you age, there's a reduction in HLA in the upper skin layers, leading to decreased moisture retention, loss of skin elasticity, and the emergence of wrinkles. UV exposure further alters HLA levels, impacting skin aging. (
clinical trial in Asian men and women (aged 35–64 years) showed that 12 weeks of HLA supplementation improved skin hydration, elasticity, and thickness.
Participants in a
clinical trial demonstrated noticeable improvements in several skin parameters following 28 days of HLA supplementation:
- Increased skin hydration (+10.6%)
- Decreased wrinkle depth (-18.8%) and volume (-17.6%)
- Increased elasticity and firmness (+5.1%)
A meta-analysis of four studies on HLA confirmed its benefits for improving skin hydration.
HLA's Role In Wound Healing -
Shortly after a wound occurs, the HLA presence increases at the site of the injury. It facilitates the diffusion of nutrients and waste products from the site of the injury. (2)
HLA for Joint Health
A comprehensive
review of clinical trials assessing the impact of HLA on knee pain revealed its efficacy in alleviating symptoms, reducing inflammation, and enhancing knee muscle strength.
In a 4-week
clinical trial with 78 participants with chronic pain conditions, HLA supplementation led to significant pain reduction within 2 weeks, as well as decreased pain medication usage, enhanced sleep quality, and increased physical energy.
A 12-week
study on athletes found that supplementation with HLA-rich extract reduced markers of cartilage degradation and bone resorption.
† These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Why Liposomal?
The bioavailability of HLA, representing the proportion of the compound that enters circulation after absorption, is notably low. Animal studies indicate a bioavailability of less than 1%.† (
To address this issue, LIPO HLA uses an advanced liposomal delivery system designed to improve the bioavailability, created for better absorption, and a slower release into the bloodstream.†
Defender is a combination product that contains Liposomal
HLA, Vitamin C, P.E.A., and CaAKG. Each ingredient plays a vital role in limiting NAD+ consumption and supporting the body’s anti-aging defenses.

How long is Senolytique meant to be taken for?
How long is Senolytique meant to be taken for anti-inflammation and "zombie cell removal" goals?
Is this something I'm supposed to take consistently forever or something to take for a few weeks or months as a sort of "detox" and then on an as-needed basis? Can someone provide guidance please?
Study: NAD+ Injections for Heart Failure in Humans
A recent randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study looked into the effects of NAD+ injections in 60 patients with heart failure. The intervention period lasted 7–10 days, and participants were followed up for three months. The treatment group received 50mg of NAD+ per day.
Key Points:
- LVEF (a measure of heart function) improved in both groups
- NAD+ injections improved heart function at the 90 day follow-up
- NAD+ injections were only effective in patients with strong heart function
“Supplementation of NAD+ was beneficial to the improvement of cardiac function in HF patients.” A sub-analysis showed NAD+ injections were effective only in patients with stronger hearts.